Sunday, May 30, 2010

Life around Dal - A Shikara

Clicked on my Canon EOS 1000D. (Specifications on request)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Monkey business can come back to bite

Clicked on my Canon EOS 1000D. (Specifications on request)

Friday, May 7, 2010

Thinking Inside The Box

Thinking outside the box is highly overrated: constraints exists in probably 99.9% of everything we do, whether we like it or not. This makes thinking outside the box very difficult, if not impossible, in most situations.

Creative thinking inside the box (the constraints) is essential and to me, a more important skill than thinking outside the box.

Pleasing everyone - you are on the wrong track!

The very idea of not pleasing everyone scares most people. But it is a requisite to position yourself against others in a way that matters. Doing this might create enemies. It will certainly unnerve your competitors.
If you are really being yourself, others are going to love you and others are going to hate you. The point is you’ll evoke some sort of reaction.
Not only should you not try to please everyone, you should actively try to speak to a certain group even if framing ideas in that way alienates others. That’s the problem with most people – they walk on eggshells and are afraid to have any sort of viewpoint. Yet analyzing, taking sides, causing controversy and being critical are all what makes for compelling conversation.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

And her eyes, well looks can kill!!!!

A Kashmiri girl collecting fooder for her cattle.  
Clicked on my Canon EOS 1000D. (Specifications on request)