Monday, January 19, 2009

Satyam, Sharam, Scandalam

Amul, is known for its topical, spoof-based outdoor ad campaigns. Be it politics, sports, movies, lifestyle or current affairs, Amul has covered them all in its campaigns. Viewers and passers by keep a keen eye on the campaigns, which change three to six times every month, depending on recent happenings.

Continuing with tradition, Amul has now spoofed the Satyam fiasco, not sparing the chief executive officer, Ramalinga Raju and his alleged fraud of Rs 7,136 crore.

The campaign creative depicts a caricature of Raju in the “eye-wiping” pose that was splashed across newspapers and magazines soon after the news broke. The copy reads, ‘Satyam, Sharam, Scandalam’, a play on the devotional ‘Satyam, Shivam, Sundaram’, which means ‘Truth is God and God is Beautiful’.

When Omar Abdullah was recently elected chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, the campaign read, ‘Omar, Amul la!’, along with a caricature of Abdullah in a ‘shikara’ (a Kashmiri boat).

On an average, Amul displays around 55-60 topical ads in a year on hoardings across India.

Source: afaqs

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