Monday, August 10, 2009

Why lie? Isn't honesty the best policy?

Well, the real question should be why not lie? Or actually why tell the truth?

Our moms and schools always told us not to talk to strangers.... right? And with ID theft being the fastest growing crime throughout world, why is it that we feel obligated to tell random people so much information about ourselves? Potential employers, banks, credit card companies, agents, phone, web and cable companies ask us all sorts of information about ourselves and our private lives. Our privacy and personal freedom is at stake right now because the system is set up, so the honest people fail and struggle, while the liars (the system administrators) and cheaters get ahead.
"How much do you make?"
"Where do you go to school?"
"What's your social XYZ number?"
"Bla Bla Bla!"
People are shameless and ask far too many intrusive questions these days. Quite frankly, the more honest you are in our society the more you'll be punished. Think about it for a minute, if a fugitive had a hold and asked you to tell them where your family members were, what would you tell them? Presumably not the truth.
So lying is the answer (the first line of defense) to protect our privacy and also for success. This post and the discussion it contains is NOT about lying to your family and your friends, it is about lying to those you are up against. Do you think any good poker player can do well by being honest?
What about morals? Upholding your morals is recommended and unaffected by type of "lying" this post intends to promote. You can tell the truth to your near and dear ones, to God during confession (reconciliation) or under oath. But how is it that we feel morally obligated to tell anyone else the truth? Why should we? We shouldn't. There are very few universal truths, the rest is just perception of what is reality.
Every successful person is a blatant liar, regardless of what field they are in. Think about it, all marketing is just lies wrapped in pretty packages. Acting is lying in motion, yet so many people admire actors, when all they are doing is lying about who they are on screen, being something they are not; and they even get accolades for it.
Now it's time for you to learn and find out the TRUTH about lies!

NOTE: Please dont try this at home :)

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